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What is the biggest threat to peasants?..


     Farmers are facing multi-fold problems: 

                           Corona is just one!

Indian people are facing many fold problems these days. Corona is one of them. Although it seems the biggest threat to people, yet they are facing other problems which threaten their life even more . One of these problems is anti-peasant new laws. Farmers are protesting against these three laws for more than four months on the borders of India's capital Delhi and are demanding to withdraw these farm bills.

Under these circumstances five Indian States witnessed elections along with local body or Panchayat elections in its most populous state Uttar Pradesh. Ruling BJP at Centre had taken these elections very seriously, particularly West Bengal province was taken as its prestige. BJP lost WB, Tamilanadu and Kerala which is considered its big loss. Sanyukt Kisan Morcha or Joint Peasants' Front terms it defeat against anti-peasants policies of Central Government and demand immediate withdrawal of new farm laws. 

Here are excerpts of its Press Release:

◆Election results are the consequences of heavy anger of farmers and labourers

◆Farmer leaders thanked the public: also gave a call to intensify the movement

◆Until the farmer movement continues, every leader of BJP and its allies will face social boycots farmers and citizens in lockdown

◆Peasant leader Akhil Gogoi won election : SKM demands his immediate, unconditional release

State assembly elections due to heavy anger of farmers and workers of the nation. Through the three agricultural laws, the ambition of ending the mandi system, giving the corporate an open exemption for stock, the aspiration of the corporate to take over the lands of the farmers has become understandable to the farmers.  Due to farmers not getting MSP and spreading lies in the name of MSP, farmers have shown their anger in these elections. At the same time, the labourers have also taught the BJP a lesson by casting the vote against them.  Through the new Labor Codes, the government wants to impose a slavery system.  The provision to increase the working time from 8 hours to 12 hours is not acceptable to the workers. The workers have voted against the BJP government's intentions of ​​shutting down the PDS scheme.

Since the farmers have been opposing these three laws in their states and are now sitting on the borders of Delhi, the BJP government is continuously maligning them.  Sometimes farmers have been blamed and allegedly linked with political parties, sometimes they are called extremists and separatists.  Even in several rounds of meetings, when the BJP government was stubborn, the farmers continued the peaceful strike.  The BJP only understands the language of elections and hence the farmers campaigned against the BJP in the state assembly elections. It is a result of people's respect for the farmers and belief in Samyukta Kisan Morcha that the BJP has suffered a bad defeat in the assembly elections.  We again warn the BJP government that if the government does not agree to our demands then the BJP will face strong opposition and will not run any election in any part of the country. Farmers, labourers and struggling people of the country are now united in this struggle.

After the election results came out yesterday, farm unions leaders thanked the people of the country who made the "No Vote to BJP" campaign of SKM successful.  Now, this energy needs to be directed towards strengthening the farmer movement.  This movement will be intensified along with taking necessary precautions in the Corona pandemic.  We appeal to the farmers and common citizens of the country to maintain full cooperation in the protest as they are continuously doing.

During this time, the leaders of the farmers 'movement have clearly stated that as long as the farmers' movement continues, the social boycott of the leaders of the BJP and its allies will continue. They will not be allowed to attend any public event nor will they be invited to the wedding and other social programs.  In this historical movement of farmers, if anyone is still betraying the farmers, then they will be surely punished like this.

Governments are putting a lockdown against the Corona pandemic, rather than building a system at the technical and policy level. Anti-people decisions are being taken by imposing lockdown, so we request the state governments and the central government to stop harassing farmers and common citizens in the name of Corona.  There is a special request to the Haryana Government that no one should harass the farmers coming on protest and do not try to discredit them.

Akhil Gogoi, a peasant leader of Assam, who has been jailed by the government on the basis of false allegations, has won the assembly elections. Citizens of Shibsagar constituency have shown believe in him.  We demand immediate and unconditional release of farmer leader Akhil Gogoi.

Statement issued by-  

Abhimanyu Kohar, Balbir Singh Rajewal, Dr Darshan Pal, Gurnam Singh Charuni, Hannan Mollah, Jagjit Singh Dallewal, Joginder Singh Ugrahan, Yudhvir Singh, Yogendra Yadav



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